Product Testing and Certification

SIQ Enhances Approval Process for Outdoor ITAV Products

03. July 2024

At SIQ, we are approving more and more ITAV (Information Technology and Audio/Video) products intended for outdoor use. Examples of such products include ATMs, ticketing machines, point-to-point telecommunication devices, and more. Many manufacturers are unaware of the specific requirements for outdoor products listed in Annex Y of IEC 62368-1 (3rd and 4th Editions). Since products used outdoors are subjected to more severe environmental conditions, such as pollution, they need to be more resistant to these harsh environments.

Key Specifications of Annex Y

Annex Y specifies several crucial requirements for outdoor products:

  • IP Requirements: At a minimum, IP54 needs to be used to reduce external PD3 to internal PD2.
  • UV Resistance: Thermoplastic materials forming the external enclosure and used as safeguards need to be UV resistant. Manufacturers must either provide a test report or certificate demonstrating the material’s UV resistance, or testing is required. One example of showing compliance is an f1 rating in a UL file.
  • Corrosion Resistance: Metal parts of outdoor enclosures used as safeguards need to be resistant to corrosion. The use of corrosion-free materials is advised; otherwise, testing is required.
  • Gasket Requirements: Gaskets need to be functional throughout the product’s lifetime. Either certified gasket materials should be used, or testing according to the requirements of this clause needs to be performed.

Manufacturers face even stricter requirements when applying for North American approvals. US/CAN national differences, for example, require that outdoor enclosures comply with the UL 50E standard or be rated raintight/rainproof.

Supporting Smooth Approval Processes

To support our customers with a smooth approval process, we advise them to contact us during the R&D stage of the product. This allows customers to select appropriate materials and be fully prepared for the final approval.

More information:
Boštjan Glavič
Tel.: +386 1 4778 265

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