Introduction – en

SIQ - Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology

SIQ - Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology

SIQ is a professional, independent and impartial institution providing complete solutions in the fields of product testing and certification, management systems assessment, metrology, and training.

Providing a wide range of comprehensive services, it is our objective to support organizations in their endeavours to realize their goals relating to the quality of their products and services, and to increase the productivity and efficiency of their operation. For more than 50 years we have cooperated with organizations in their endeavours to enter markets, increase productivity, improve quality and reach excellence.

Numerous accreditations and memberships of international certification schemes and associations are evidence of the international validity and high professional level of our work. Our key competitive advantage is the knowledge and experiences of our experts, international recognition and credibility, flexibility, complete solutions, ever new services and ability to adapt to the market.

Brochure (pdf.)

Our mission

By assessments and passing our knowledge and experience on to our clients, we want to contribute to the development of the society that will be knowledge-driven and based on products and services of the highest quality.

Our staff are experts in areas covering the safety of products and systems, metrology, management systems assessment and training. Joined, we are capable of delivering complete solutions for your easier and smoother access to various markets.

Our complete solutions are your advantage.


SIQ conducts an assessment, verification, inspection and certification in line with the certification and inspection policies. Our organizational structure ensures that, performing their daily tasks, the personnel are independent of anyone having direct commercial interests in conformity assessment, and that conflicts of interests are avoided.

SIQ ensures its impartiality by not providing consultancy concerning the establishment and/or maintenance of compliance with standards. Integrity, independence and impartiality are our values.

With you for over 50 years

The history of our institute started in 1964 with the establishment of testing, measuring techniques and activities related to the maintenance of measuring instruments in the Sector for Measurements and Quality of the Institute for Automation.

Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology (SIQ) was founded towards the end of 1992 as the successor of the Institute of Quality and Metrology (IKM) with the founding contract signed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Iskra
Holding d.d. (as a representative of the Iskra Group), Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati d.o.o., Triglav Insurance Company d.d. and the Institute of Quality and Metrology (IKM).

We have been expanding and upgrading our scope of services in all fields of our activity. Professional competence of individuals, their ability to use their initiative and creativity, and their reliability are given full value in teamwork. The synergy of knowledge within SIQ is manifested in complete solutions adapted in their entirety to the needs of an individual organization.

This applies to product testing, product certification and metrology activities that we have been operating since our very beginnings in the early sixties, as well as to the management system assessment and certification activity that we introduced at the beginning of the nineties. Our seminars and training programmes complete our scope of activities. In all fields of our activity, our assessments are professional, independent and impartial.

Vas zanima kariera v SIQ?

SIQ kot mednarodno uveljavljena institucija z dolgoletno tradicijo zaposluje ljudi, ki imajo znanje s področja varnosti proizvodov in sistemov, meroslovja, ocenjevanja sistemov vodenja, izobraževanja, preskušanja, certificiranja, informacijskih tehnologij in kontrole igralniških tehnologij.

Ker smo vedno dostopni za nove ideje in možnosti sodelovanja, tako na obstoječih kot na novih področjih dejavnosti, vas vabimo, da nam za naš nabor potencialnih kadrov pošljete svojo vlogo z življenjepisom, v kateri poleg osebnih podatkov, izobrazbe, znanj in delovnih izkušenj navedite tudi želeno področje dela in obliko sodelovanja na elektronsko pošto