Occupational Health and Safety

Social responsibility

Social responsibility is a term that changes gradually and according to useage of interested parties. Some claim (including European commission) that social responsibility is the approach that gives the organization competitive advantage. Nowadays there are many different systems that manage social responsibility on the market: the ones that are narrowly focused on each stakeholder of social responsibility (i.e. SA 8000), and the ones that are more wholesome, and therefore extensive (i.e. ISO 26000). Some of them enable reporting (i.e. GRI), some even certification (i.e. SA 8000, IQNET SR 10), and some, contrary, strictly oppose certification (ISO 26000).

The International Certification Network (IQNET) has issued specification on social responsibility. It is called “IQNET SR 10 Social Responsibility management systems – Requirements” and is based on ISO 9001. SIQ Ljubljana is part of IQNET scheme for certification of social responsibility. Certification is a procedure carried out by our auditors.

Standard IQNET SR 10 is the tool that enabels organization to perform its activites focused on sustainable development. The organization often becomes more sustainably oriented after implementation of the standard. Organizations have to focus on every aspect of their work – therefore they are familiar with different risks, that they can possibly be exposed to, and also with expectations that stakeholders have towards them. With certification the organizations clearly state their standpoints and activity in the community.

Audits of social responsibility is not performed only in the organization, but also at its important stakeholders (i.e. suppliers, customers etc.).