
Product Testing and Certification

Extended Scope of the Saudi IECEE Recognition Certificate

The Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) has extended the scope of the Saudi IECEE Recognition Certificate (SIRC) for electrotechnical products to include additional products. As of 1st July 2021, a National Certificate of Re...

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South Africa Accepted SANS/IEC 62368-1

The National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) in South Africa has announced that the new national compulsory specification VC 8055 recognizes SANS/IEC 62368-1 as an equivalent standard to SANS/IEC 60065 and SANS/IEC 60950. The accept...

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South Korea Extends Regulatory RoHS Scope

In South Korea, the use of hazardous substances in electronic and electrical products is restricted by the so-called Korea RoHS document. It is the Act on Resource Circulation of Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Vehicles that was amended by...

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IEC 60601-1-2:2014 + A1:2020 (New Amendment A1)

In 2020, a new amendment A1 was published that made some changes to IEC 60601-1-2:2014. The crucial changes: Conducted disturbances (conducted emissions) shall be performed at min. and max. RATED voltage,

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SIQ Developed CMAD

Our commitment to quality has brought us to the development of a Common Mode Absorbing Device – CMAD, which will ensure a higher level of confidence in EMC testing according to CISPR 16-2-3. We hereby present our first CMAD prototype, deve...

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