Product Testing and Certification

A new version of Radio Standard Specification RSS-247, Issue 3, was published

10. October 2023

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) published a new version of Radio Standard Specification RSS-247, Issue 3, which covers the requirements for certification of radio apparatus operating in the bands 902-928 MHz, 2400-2483,5 MHz and 5725-5850 MHz employing frequency hopping, digital modulation and/or a combination of both techniques and the requirements for certification of license-exempt local area network (LE-LAN) devices operating in the bands 5150-5250 MHz, 5250-5350 MHz, 5470-5725 MHz, 5725-5850 MHz and 5850-5895 MHz. The transition period of six months from the publication date is provided. During this period, all applications for certification under RSS-247, issue 2 or issue 3, will be accepted. After this period, all applications for the certification of equipment will be accepted under RSS 247, issue 3.

The main changes are listed below:

  1. Modified section 6.2 to clarify that different measurement methods can apply depending on the operating frequency range of the device.
  2. Added section 6.2.5 to introduce the requirements for devices operating in the 5850-5895 MHz band and channels that span across 5850 MHz.
  3. Added section to provide general information and definitions.
  4. Added section to identify the power limits associated with devices operating in the 5850-5895 MHz band.
  5. Added section to identify the unwanted emission limits associated with devices operating in the 5850-5895 MHz band.

More information:
Luka Cvajnar
Tel.: +386 1 4778 189


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