Product Testing and Certification

New European Standard EN IEC 60335-1:2023 + A11:2023 Issued

03. July 2024

At the end of 2023, the European standard EN IEC 60335-1:2023 + A11:2023 was issued, based on the 6th edition of IEC 60335-1:2020. This part of the standard is intended to be used in conjunction with Part 2 standards that have been established based on this edition. Each Part 2 indicates which edition of Part 1 is applicable.

The latest date by which EN IEC 60335-1:2023 + A11:2023 must be implemented at the national level, either by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement (DOP), is November 22, 2024. This European standard supersedes EN 60335-1:2012 and its amendments. However, EN 60335-1:2012 and its amendments remain valid until all the Parts 2 used in conjunction with it have been withdrawn.

No date of withdrawal (DOW) has been given pending the updating of all Parts 2 to align with EN IEC 60335-1:2023/A11:2023. The applicable date of withdrawal will be specified in each Part 2. It is intended that the DOW for Part 1 will be fixed once all the Parts 2 have been updated.

More information:
Andrej Perko
Tel.: +386 1 4778 245

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