Quality Management Systems – ISO 9001
The ISO 9001 standard is built on the quality management principles used by today’s world’s most successful organisations, both manufacturing and service. The standard is therefore a summary of good business practice and, as such, is helpful to organisations that want to follow only the best. It is intended for all types of organisations, regardless of size, organisation, product or service, that want to manage and improve their business and increase customer satisfaction.
ISO 90001
Quality in Health Care Systems – EN 15224
Orderly, transparent and sound management inspires confidence in the general public. We have developed a range of services for healthcare organisations aimed at improving quality in healthcare.
With the SIQ Management Systems Certificate, you can increase your business efficiency and our renowned lecturers offer you expert support in continuous quality improvement. We also carry out a range of measurements and inspection procedures, check the condition of medical equipment and verify the level of electromagnetic radiation.
EN 15224
Quality Management Systems in the Automotive Industry – IATF 16949
IATF 16949 fully respects and builds on the structure and requirements of ISO 9001:2015. The standard specifies the requirements for a quality management system in the development and production and, where required, also in the installation and servicing of products intended for the automotive industry. It is applicable to all manufacturers of products intended for automotive industry use.
IATF 16949
Asset Management – ISO 55001
Every organisation needs to manage its assets (funds, resources) optimally and sustainably to meet customer expectations, while balancing risk, efficiency and cost throughout their life cycle. The ISO 55000 family of standards deals with asset management – its requirements can be certified and the system can be integrated with most existing management systems (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001).
ISO 55001
Quality for the Future of Education – QE model
The requirements and guidelines of the QE model are based on contemporary internationally recognised and established quality management standards and models, such as international standards of the ISO 9000 (e.g. ISO 9001) series and the EFQM Excellence Model. One of the principal requirements of the QE model bearing great significance is the requirement to comply with the current legislation.
QE model
Quality System in Non-Governmental Organisations – NGO Model
In 2007 a group of quality experts and representatives of non-governmental organisations developed a quality model for non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The model is based on the ISO 9001 standard and some foreign systems designed exclusively for NGOs. On the one hand, it corresponds to the specific needs of NGOs and on the other it encourages NGOs to develop processes necessary for their transparent and efficient operations, financial liability and relations with their stakeholders.
NGO Model
System of Wood and Wood Product Traceability – FSC – CoC
The FSC is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation that designed the first system of forest management and further traceability of certified wood or FSC wood products – CoC (Chain of custody). The basic goal of certification is to make sure that certified materials are handled through the production process in a way giving the final buyer assurance that there is a system for the FSC products that certifies the final origin of wood.
FSC – CoC (wood traceability) enables a connection between the product and wood origin.
“End of Waste” EU Directives
The regulations set out the criteria for determining when waste ceases to be waste, as well as the requirements for the certification body that determines the compliance of the quality system of a collector, processor and trader of such waste. The certification body certifies the quality system in accordance with ISO 9001 and the relevant regulation.
End of Waste
Why choose SIQ?
Our work is based on professionalism, independence, impartiality and comprehensive solutions.
We are the largest accredited certification and compliance body in Slovenia and a full member of the largest international association of certification bodies with global brand recognition.