
Quality System in Non-Governmental Organisations – NGO Model

About the Standard

In 2007 a group of quality experts and representatives of non-governmental organisations developed a quality model for non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The model is based on the ISO 9001 standard and some foreign systems designed exclusively for NGOs. On the one hand, it corresponds to the specific needs of NGOs and on the other it encourages NGOs to develop processes necessary for their transparent and efficient operations, financial liability and relations with their stakeholders.

Requirements of the NGO model

The management of a quality system is an important step for NGOs in Slovenia. In order to make the best use of the standard in terms of more efficient and easier performance of tasks, greater responsiveness to the needs of stakeholders and thus the development of the sector, it is necessary to promote a broad approach to the quality management system. Organisations should use it as a tool for strategic development, business development and visibility.

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  • SIQ Ljubljana