Product Testing and Certification
Gate to the Global Market
SIQ is a member of numerous international associations and schemes in the field of testing and certification of electrical products.
In cooperation with us, you can obtain various certificates or certification marks that can open the door to the global market for you and your products.
Let SIQ be your guide on the way to safe products.
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SIQ Ljubljana
Safety and Electromagnetics
Mašera-Spasićeva ulica 10
SI-1000 Ljubljana
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The IECEE CB Scheme is an international system for the mutual recognition of test reports relating to the safety of electrical and electronic products.
The CB certificate is a document certifying that the product meets the requirements of the relevant IEC standard. SIQ operates within the CB Scheme as a recognised National Certification Body (NCB) and a Recognised Testing Laboratory (CBTL), thus awarding the CB Certificate of Conformity and its associated CB Test Report.
A manufacturer who has a CB Test Report from any of the national CB Scheme Certification Bodies can obtain a national certificate from any other CB Scheme member country.
See the details of the CB Scheme operation at

The IECEx Scheme is an international certification scheme for certification of compliance with the standards for the safety of electrical devices used in explosive atmospheres (Ex devices).
The IECEx Certificate of Conformity proves that the device was designed and developed in accordance with the requirements of the relevant IEC standards, and manufactured according to a quality plan assessed by an IECEx Certification Body.
On the basis of positive test results and successful assessment of the quality plan, SIQ issues the IECEx Certificate of Conformity and the associated IECEx Test Report.
See the details of the IECEx Scheme at

The CCA Agreement (CENELEC Certification Agreement) is a European agreement on mutual recognition of test results. SIQ is a recognised National Certification Body (NCB) and a Recognised Testing Laboratory (CBTL) within the CCA agreement.
The NTR (Notification of Test Results) Document certifies that the product meets the requirements of the relevant standards, that a pre-license control was carried out with the manufacturer, and regular annual inspections were carried out after the issuance of the document.
The NTR Document is issued together with the associated test report. The tests are carried out according to European Standards (EN) in force in the European Union and in the EFTA (European Free Trade Association) Member States.
See the details at

The ENEC Mark is a well-known and recognised mark in the European market, and as such a good choice for covering the wider market.
The ENECE mark on the product tells us that:
- The product complies with all the requirements of the relevant European harmonised safety standards;
- The product complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive;
- The manufacturer’s quality management system complies with the basic and partially upgraded requirements of ISO 9001;
- Production control was carried out periodically.
The ENEC Certification Mark is a common European marking for the safety of the following categories of products: luminaries and accessories, household and similar appliances, IT equipment, electrical manual and portable tools, transformers, switches, automatic electrical control devices, capacitors, appliance couplers, and batteries.
SIQ can grant a common European ENEC Certification Mark for most of the categories listed above.
The procedure for obtaining a license to use the ENEC Certification Mark includes product approval, manufacturer approval, and manufacturing process control. The validity of the license is not time limited, provided that the manufacturer is regularly checked and the product is further tested.
The advantages of the ENEC Mark are easy to evaluate – a highly recognisable certification mark for the whole of Europe, one certification instead of many, saving you time and money.
See the details about the ENEC Mark at

The ENEC+ Certification Mark is a single certification mark accepted throughout Europe and beyond. It has been created by LightingEurope, the voice of the European lighting industry and the ENEC Mark, the pan-European independent third-party certification scheme for low-voltage products to enable manufacturers of LED-based luminaries and LED modules to ensure the safety and performance of products based on the new technology for the lifetime of the certification.
ENEC+ entails the following advantages and benefits:
- Future-proof: ENEC+ is based on an evolution model. As technology and standardization progress, the requirements of the mark will evolve simultaneously, and new performance-related elements will be added.
- Objective basis for fair comparison of lighting products: The scheme verifies initial performance claims and assesses the robustness of product design.
- Reduced costs related to tenders: No need for repeated product tests against varying qualification rules included in calls for tender. All initial specification elements of LED luminaires and modules are included in ENEC+.
- Further simplification and cost reduction: This is provided by the use of qualified manufacturers testing laboratories such as SIQ and the acceptance of test data by the ENEC+ scheme.
To be eligible for ENEC+ certification, a product must carry the ENEC safety mark. ENEC+ is not limited to LEDs, it is also available for traditional light sources. All ENEC+ certified products are listed in a publicly available database.

The CCA EMC Mark Agreement describes the procedure for the granting and use of the common conformity mark of products that meet the requirements of European standards for electromagnetic compatibility in accordance with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/EC.
The CCA EMC Mark on a product indicates that the product complies with the requirements of the European harmonised standards regarding electromagnetic compatibility, and that the compliance of the product has been verified by a relevant certification body.
Before granting a license for the use of the CCA EMC Mark, the certification body shall also verify that the production is supervised and approve the product. After the license has been granted, the certification body carries out manufacturer inspections and follow-up product tests according to procedures harmonised with those used within the CCA EMC scheme and in other foreign institutions.
The validity of the license is not time limited, provided that the manufacturer is regularly checked and the product is further tested.

The SIQ Certification Mark of Conformity is a recognised mark for electrical product safety. Our certificates facilitate access to the domestic and international markets, and are the basis for the EC Declaration of Conformity for your products.
The SIQ Certification Mark assures consumers and competent authorities that the product meets all legal requirements in accordance with the Low Voltage Directive.
Before granting a license for the use of the SIQ Certification Mark, a pre-license manufacturer inspection is carried out in addition to the type test. After the license is granted, we carry out regular annual production inspections and product control tests according to the procedures harmonised with those used within the CCA scheme and in other foreign institutions.
The level of confidence in the safety of devices bearing the SIQ Certification Mark is comparable to the level of confidence in the safety of devices bearing any of the established European national certification marks.

The SIQ Type Approved/Bauart Geprüft (SIQ BG) Certification Mark is intended mainly for manufacturers and suppliers on the German market.
The SIQ BG Certification Mark is used for marking the conformity of built-in components (particularly built-in switched mode power supplies, motors, transformers, and similar built-in components) that are not covered by the German legislation on equipment safety defining the GS marking.
The SIQ BG Certification Mark indicates compliance with all applicable requirements of the harmonised standards according to the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU.
The procedure for obtaining a license for the use of the SIQ BG Certification Mark is identical to the procedure for obtaining the license for the use of the SIQ Certification Mark.

The Medical SIQ Certification Mark of conformity is a recognised safety and EMC mark for electrical products.
Our certificates facilitate access to domestic and international markets, and form the basis for the EC Declaration of Conformity for your products. The SIQ Certification Mark tells consumers and relevant authorities that the product meets the requirements according to the listed standards on product for safety and EMC (example for power supply). Before granting a license for the use of the SIQ Certification Mark, SIQ performs a type test and a pre-license factory inspection.
After the license has been granted, SIQ performs regular annual factory inspections and follow-up product testing. Procedures for performing factory inspections and follow-up product testing are harmonised with those used within the CCA Scheme and in other foreign institutions. The level of confidence in the safety of devices bearing the SIQ Certification
Mark is comparable to the level of confidence in the safety of devices bearing any other established European national certification mark.