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Online workshop: Sustainable Business Strategy, Circular Economy and Carbon Footprint Calculation


Online workshop


Sustainability is a highly complex concept which managements of companies must know how to integrate into their strategy as well as into concrete activities and objectives. A sustainable business strategy provides the business culture with new contents, innovativeness with a new impetus, and products or services with a deeper meaning and a clearer contribution to the sustainable development of the society, company and people.


To improve knowledge and competence in the field of circular economy and sustainable strategies of companies.Sustainable business strategy preparation and sustainability reporting.

SIQ organises trainings and provides professional support to companies in preparing their sustainable business strategy. We present companies with the key and recommended steps in such strategy’s concept, thereby also ensuring bases for integral sustainable reporting under the GRI standards (The global standards for sustainability reporting).


  • Paradigm change
  • Business ecosystem
  • Sustainability challenges and materiality matrix
  • Sustainable business strategy concept
  • Practical part: materiality matrix preparation
  • Sustainability reporting and non-financial reporting concepts
  • The GRI standard presentation
  • Practical part: recognizing material contents to prepare a sustainability report (work on own case)

2. Product and service lifecycle and its improvements with environmental innovations

Participants of our courses will gain expert knowledge to be able to recognise and understand the life cycle of products and services and methods and tools to design environmental innovations which may improve environmental impact and contribute to a more efficient use of resources (utilisation of raw materials and energy, reduction of emissions from the supply chain, water consumption, quantity of wastewater and waste, a possibility of reuse, etc.).

Practical part:

  • Environmental innovation
  • Lifecycle

Practical part:

  • Use a tool to assess product or service lifecycle impact. The participants will choose a product or service and analyze its lifecycle and recognize the key environmental aspects using a simple method. Best cases will be presented (guided independent work).
  • Recognize the key areas that can be improved from the environmental perspective. The participants will identify the key areas in the product or service lifecycle which could be improved in terms of the environment (guided independent work).
  • Come up with ideas for innovation and prepare an action plan for environmental innovation implementation. The participants will collect, choose and present best ideas for environmental innovations. The selected environmental innovations will be used to prepare an action plan for their implementation (guided work in groups).

3. Calculation of company’s, product’s and service’s carbon footprint

Carbon footprint is one of the tools in the environmental management system where we monitor the use of fossil fuels and the impact on the ozone layer or the greenhouse effect of companies. An increasing number of companies boast this and buyers have been increasingly requiring it. SIQ offers knowledge and experience in understanding and applying the carbon footprint concept and related standards and methodologies for carbon footprint calculation and management. By discussing practical examples, companies will obtain applied knowledge to make independent calculations in the practice and expert support in carbon footprint calculation and verification.

  • Business environment factors that create the need for greenhouse gas management
  • A presentation of greenhouse gasses and their sources and carbon footprint factor guidance
  • Standards and methodologies in the field of carbon footprint
  • Experience in carbon footprint calculation at company and product level

The content can be customized and performed at the desired time or place.

Additional information: Tanja Benček, phone: +386 (1) 5609 594, e-mail:

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