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Sustainable Energy Day: Approaches to Improve Energy Efficiency


Online meeting will be in Slovenian language.

Energy is one of the biggest challenges of modern society. Energy consumption accounts for almost 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Energy efficiency and climate change are a key part of the 17 sustainable development goals in the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

Combating climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions is also a strategic priority of the European Community. The strategies set and the legislation adopted encourage countries and regions to set up their own strategies to reduce emissions. A part of the EUSEW 2021 Sustainable Energy Week, we would like to invite you to a short online expert meeting with a presentation of the international standard ISO 50001 standard for energy management systems. This standard aims to help organizations establish systems and procedures to improve their energy efficiency. By certifying the energy management system to the international standard ISO 50001, organizations improve their energy management by developing an energy policy and establishing action plans to achieve it. These can include introducing new energy-efficient technologies, reducing energy losses, and improving existing processes. The requirements of the standard will be supported by practical examples of how organizations achieve energy efficiency. We will also present the calculation of the carbon footprint, which is one of the tools in the environmental management system and/or energy management system It tracks the consumption of fossil fuels or the greenhouse effect of an organization on the ozone layer. By calculating the carbon footprint, we obtain the necessary information to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and identify possible savings, as well as the necessary inputs data for decision-making in the procurement and selection of materials and product development in production. It is increasingly being used by many organizations and is increasingly requested by customers.Programme1. SIQ certification and training services that support the organizations’ transition to sustainability2. The ISO 50001 energy management system aims to increase energy efficiency – presentation of key elements of the standard3. What we have gained from the implementation of an energy management system (good practice example)4. Carbon footprint as a measure of environmental performance


Blanka Kaker, BSc in Chemistry, is the product manager for environmental and energy management systems (ISO 14001, ISO 50001, EMAS, carbon footprint) and the NGO model at SIQ Ljubljana. She is also a lead auditor for quality, environmental, energy and occupational safety and health management systems and an EFQM assessor. She gained her experience in a large metallurgical company for more than twenty years, where she was also responsible for the introduction and administration of management systems and the development and implementation of information systems in steel production and control.

The online meeting will take place in a live online e-classroom. Up to two days before the implementation, registered participants will receive a link to the online meeting. Participants need a computer with a microphone and a camera, as well as access to a reliably functioning internet connection to participate in online training without interruption.

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